A very useful technique.It basically has 2 arrays one is Intime and the other is outTime. inTime says when it enters a recursion stack and outTime says when it exits the recursion stack. It is useful to check if a node v is present in the subtree of node u. If inTime[u]<inTime[v] and outTime[u]> outTime[v].

It can also be useful in counting number of nodes that belong to a particular tree at a particular height.

void dfs(int u,int par,int level){
    for(int v: g[u]){
int count()
    //number of nodes at cur level that is descendent of pth par is counted.
    int ans=(upper_bound(all(lvl[cur]),endTime[pthpar])-lower_bound(all(lvl[cur]),startTime[pthpar]));